1-7 July 2024 (7 days)




Led by Lama Rinchen.

We are going to perform Dorje Phagmo long puja (Dorje Phagmo Drubtab), based on the sand mandala and with a fire puja (jinsek) at the end.

Everyone can be present in the temple during that ritual. However, in order to actively participate in the practice, the Dorje Phagmo empowerment and individual permission of Lama Rinchen is required. Though for other people it is possible, to stay in the temple during sessions and do their own practice or recite favourite prayers or mantras. You can also make donations for the costs of participation or meals of the participants or make a donate materials we need during the rituals (rice for the offering bowls, oats for tormas, butter for ornaments, tealights, incense, tsok, etc). By engaging in all these activities we accumulate merit and receive the same blessing of Dorje Phagmo as those who take active part in the practice.
Dorje Phagmo, known also as Vajrayogini, is a main meditative deity in the Karma Kamtsang tradition. She was a secret yidam of great forefathers of the Kagyu lineage: Marpa, Milarepa and Gampopa, as well as successive Karmapas. For thirteen generations the teachings about her were transmitted by a master only to one selected disciple. Presently it is the most frequently used Yidam practice in our tradition. It is said that the sadhana is a gate leading both into the mahamudra practice and the Six Dharmas of Naropa, and that its blessing especially quickly brings to insight.
For those who received abhisheka and individual permission by Lama Rinchen, on Sunday 30 June teachings about the procedure and meaning of Dorje Phagmo ritual will be given.


30th of June 
1th of July at 9:00 a.m. (Monday) – Dorje Phagmo sachok (the ritual of consecrating the ground and beginning the sand mandala);
2th - 3th of July (Tuesday - Wednesday) – extract from Dorje Phagmo puja in the morning (only dak kye), then creating the sand mandala (only those who take part in practice can work on the mandala);
4th - 6th of July (Thursday - Saturday) – 3-day complete Dorje Phagmo drubpa;
7th July (Sunday) – Dorje Phagmo fire puja (jinsek) and pouring out the mandala’s sand into the river.




Registration deadline (and prepayment for meals) – till the 26th of June.

Practice texts can be ordered also till this day. The text is paid extra and is intended only for people who have received the Dorje Phagmo empowerment.

Registration can be completed using the REGISTRATION FORM. Please fill in the form also for any accompanying person not participating in the sessions (child and adult).

All changes considering your stay should be submitted at least three days in advance. 



Our Buddhist Centre in Grabnik is maintained exclusively by donations, therefore each, even very symbolic, amount offered money is important and appreciated. Those who would like to support us, may do the donations via transfer to our bank account or with a use of a debit card (see: donate) or in cash at the Centre.

Suggested donation (meals not included):
one day - 45 PLN
full seminar - 315 PLN

Tsok will be offered every day. You are welcome to participate in the costs.

Additional stay not during the seminar – 30 PLN per day
Children and accompanying persons not participating in the sessions – 30 PLN per day

(Currency Converter)


FOOD (only when prepaid and booked on time)

All meals are vegetarian.
Suggested donation: breakfast 16 PLN, lunch 28 PLN, dinner 16 PLN (full board - 60 PLN)

Please bring your own mug.

Prepayment is not equivalent to registering for the seminar. Please remember to register!
We are not able to guarantee meals to those arriving unannounced.

- We cannot guarantee meals to those who do not register and make a donation on time.
- Meals are served at fixed hours (breakfast at 8 a.m., lunch at 1 p.m. and dinner at 6 p.m.).
- Please think your order through. There are no returns for ordered and not used meals, unless a resignation is submitted three days in advance.

Donations may be done via transfer to a bank account or by credit card (see donate).
If you have any problems with money transfer, please contact the office.



In order to avoid misunderstandings and make the work of our team easier, please read the Guide for Participants which explains what to bring, where to stay, how to behave and more.



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